
For Eldalagren, I began by sketching diverse logo ideas to explore potential directions. Together, we refined these into one cohesive concept, complete with a carefully chosen color palette. I then designed a unique watercolor logo featuring hand-drawn elements, including a delicate frame, trees, stars, and water. To ensure versatility, I created a complete set of deliverables, including logo variations tailored for different applications. This process resulted in a visual identity that perfectly embodies the brand’s artistic and Elvish-inspired essence.

Logo variations (main logo, landscape logo, watermark)

Wanda Sonnemann, Eldalagren

“My name is Wanda, and I’m the person behind the brand “Eldalagren.” I create Elvish accessories made of leather, Elvish home decor, and much more. “Eldalagren” is meant to encompass all of my artistic and artisan work under one umbrella. In addition to my business, this includes my photography, watercolor painting, and even projects I don’t yet know I’ll create someday.

Stella first sent me a short questionnaire to help us figure out together what the logo should achieve and what kind of aesthetic it should have. Based on my answers, she created several sketches, and we quickly agreed on the design she would refine further. Stella took her time finding just the right colors for the logo and created variations for different uses.

Stella absolutely nailed it with the logo. The aesthetic fits my brand perfectly. At the beginning, I only had a very rough idea of what the logo could look like, but Stella asked exactly the right questions and immediately grasped what was essential for my brand.
As an artist with no idea about branding, Stella was the perfect choice for me. She fully embraced the needs of my brand.

Of course, I could have designed a logo myself, but I know I wouldn’t have been satisfied with it for long and would have ended up redesigning it again and again. Hiring a graphic designer meant that this logo became the visual identity of Eldalagren—something that can stand the test of time. I haven’t once felt the need to change anything about it. My products and art evolve over time, but the logo Stella designed for me is the constant by which people will always recognize me. It gives me a great sense of security.”


Enchanted by Ayree